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SkillsCross 1/2-Day Course

Propane in Construction Training

  • Propane is widely used in construction for a variety of everyday tasks, including flame cutting, space heating, heating or melting materials, and powering internal combustion engines. Upon completion, participants will be able to recognize and evaluate the hazards associated with propane and to know the procedures and controls necessary to minimize those hazards.

    Program is designed to provide the information and hands-on practice necessary for construction workers to be able to safely connect, activate, and disconnect heaters, torches, and propane-powered equipment of less than 400,000 Btu/h, in accordance with Technical Standards and Safety Authority.


    Each participant is expected to bring the following protective equipment.

    • CSA approved head, foot and *eye protection,

    • Neoprene gloves,

    • wear long sleeves, and

    • be dressed for outdoor activity.

    * eye protection and Neoprene gloves will be supplied for hook-up and disconnect.

    The participant will not be permitted to participate in the course if they do not bring the noted personal protective equipment and the course fee will remain on the account.

    • Propane properties and hazards

    • Legislation and safe practices

    • Connect, activation and disconnection of propane equipment

  • This course is for any person who may use or come into contact with propane on the job.

  • Public: $165/Participant + Tax